Part 75: Apocalypse
Part 75: Apocalypse
Let's see what's going on with that moon fragment.

Just a couple of nodes here.

Well, that's not ominous or anything.
Music: Sinisterness Phase 3

Missing Lip Animations: 60

I've seen that pile of rubble before...

Music: Solitary Snail

A few of you already guessed that this event was coming. We're in the timeline that leads to VLR. The main hole with the ending we saw before was that Akane and Junpei weren't there, even though they showed up in VLR. Well, now they're here. But there's also a suspicious gap on that board...

Music: Anxiousness 2nd Mix

That seems more like a live response than a recording, doesn't it?

Well, now you know one of Zero's primary motivations.

Well, that was certainly something. First we've got more data for the genocidal snail story, then what I think is a tie-in to the epilogue of VLR?
Music: Bereavement

So Zero/Brother is 124 years old?

Missing Lip Animations: 61

Nope, don't know any 124-year-old women...


Cut to me writing down the words later.

Bye Zero! Thanks for the chat and all the weird information!

Fade to black...
Music: Aftermath (Decontamination Room)

Music: Clarification 2nd Mix

Akane walks away.

Or maybe she's just pacing.

That's almost a freebie. But these two never learned that name.

Lated? Taled? Alted? Gee, I wonder...

I don't know what's going on with the upper half of these character models while they're running that they only ever show the legs.

Well, that was sudden.
Music: Sacrificial Demise (Demise 2nd Mix)

[Muffled Voice:] Well, I guess I was the one who waited...

Carlos you big idiot you almost killed us.
Music: Interminable Dilemma (Credits)

Oh, hey, another ending.
Music: Glacial Solitude

We're, ah, not quite done yet, though.

The Decontamination Room.

After which Carlos runs into the wall. Or at least, that's what it sounded like. Maybe he was really tossing a barstool at the wall or something to get rid of the holographic projections and get to the Transporter Room?

He couldn't directly follow Akane and Junpei, after all.

Carlos doesn't quite understand the implications of what Zero did yet. But even if he had tried to stop it, then Akane and Junpei would've been stranded here since Carlos would then have gone off into a new timeline.

Music: Morphogenetic Sorrow (Mix 3)

Here's where people really hate Akane.

After all, the Junpei from VLR never found Akane.

Or at least, never remembered finding Akane...

Something metallic, then the screen flashes white. Junpei cries out, and falls.

How did she get the bracelet off? How did she get the needles out? Did it just come off when they left the facility maybe?

You couldn't just have him, like, pretend to forget or something?

In VLR, Akane dies in 2/3 of the timelines. The "AB Project" is what they called the setup of VLR.

This version of Akane sure seems to remember a lot more than she let on in that VLR epilogue, though. I guess she doesn't actually know what happened to Sigma? Also, Carlos never appears in VLR, of course - was he part of the 75% casualties, then?

Ohhhh, this is the Moon End! The D-Team version must be something else; I'll call it the Virus End after the biohazard symbol on it.

Not too much left to go, now.

The first "Circle of Fate" was the D-Team ending two nodes above. Your hint was that the D-Team node was called "Circle of Fate (1)" even when we first unlocked it. I even showed it to you at the end of that update!

No point in voting - we're headed for the penultimate showdown with Q-Team: Transporter Room.
Lots of files from those last scenes. We got a ton of information, after all.
"The murder 17 years ago (1)" posted:
Seventeen years ago, a young mother went jogging in the park. She reached a fork where she usually goes right, but on this day she decided to go left. Why? Because there was a snail on the path. No one knows why she avoided the snail. Was she afraid of them? Or felt a sense of danger from it? Whatever the case may be, the snail caused her to switch to the left path. As a result, she was killed by a girl.
"The murder 17 years ago (2)" posted:
The suspect who was taken into custody, a Japanese man, was not the culprit. He was falsely convicted and executed, and his wife committed suicide in her grief. The two left young children behind.
The convicted man called a taxi before his arrest, but the taxi ended up picking up another fare instead, a brilliant surgeon. However, the car became involved in an accident, killing the surgeon as well as the young boy who was waiting for an operation by the surgeon.
If that snail hadn't been on the right path 17 years ago, what would have happened? Life is simply unfair, don't you think?
I'm counting that.
LP title reference counter: 5

The fifth and final(?) Gabletter.
"Post-Apocalypse (1)" posted:
"This must be fate."
Diana smiles weakly from the bed at Sigma's question. "Don't you remember? You told me that yourself."
"Me? I never said it. If it really was me, then..."
"Yes. The Sigma who was 67 inside." Diana shifts her frail hand closer to Sigma, and he gently grasps it between his own.
The Sigma before her is not the one who was trapped in the shelter. It's the same body, but a different consciousness. On April 13, 2029, Sigma was at the headquarters of Crash Keys, his eye and arms replaced with robotic ones. There, the young Sigma returns to his body from 45 years in the future, and begins to carry out Akane's instructions...
"How many years has it been since you came here, Diana?"
"A little over three, I think. I followed you here in May 2029."
A violent coughing fit takes over after she speaks. Sigma helps her sit up and softly pats her back until it subsides.
"Why didn't the Medical Pod work...?"
"I told you. It's fate."
Diana's skin is deathly pale, but her eyes still shine with life. Just like a child's...
"Post-Apocalypse (2)" posted:
"I've always dreamt of coming here. Did you know that 'Diana' is the name of the goddess of the moon? I've wanted to do this ever since I was I'm perfectly fine with dying here..."
"What are you saying..."
"I've been able to spend the last three years living with you, Sigma. I have treasured every moment."
Sigma lowers his head, his expression pained.
"Please don't make that face. You don't need to be sad. In the year 2074, you will SHIFT back to Christmas 2028 and the next day--"
"Old me will head to the Dcom facility in the Nevada desert and meet you..."
Diana nods. Sigma closes his eyes and shakes his head.
"That's not it. I mean, I'm in love with the you--"
His declaration stops as Diana's lips close over his in a kiss, and the rest of his words are lost.
After a moment, Diana murmurs, "It must be a wonderful future. The future where we found each other... In 2028..."
Sigma holds on to her tightly. Aching, heartfelt sobs echo within a cold, silent world.
That was a little dark. How about I throw in a bonus update?